Thursday, November 6, 2008


If you've ever heard someone say that, "miracles have ceased in our day," they are wrong.  This past week I have been witnessing a miracle.  Let me take you back to last Sat. morning at 4:30 AM.

The phone rang at 4:30 AM--anytime you hear the phone ring at that hour in the morning, I think you internally know immediately you're about to receive bad news.  This call confirmed my fear.  My mother in law was on the phone hysterical.  She wanted to talk to Neal(my hubby).  After hearing, the, "Oh no!"  "Yes, what hospital?  I'll be right there."  I knew it was bad.

My husband's brother Collin, had taken a drug that sent him into cardiac arrest-stopped his heart and breathing.  He had been with some friends the day before and took a drug.  Another friend picked him up and took him to his brother's apt.  Collin was acting very tired and went to sleep on the friends couch.  After some time, the friend noticed Collin was breathing weird and then Collin made a weird sound.  The friend, reached to feel a pulse-nothing.  He called 911 and the operator talked him through CPR over the phone for 10 minutes until the squad arrived.  His friend literally gave him the breath he needed to survive.  The squad cut open his clothing and worked on him.  They used the pads on him and restarted his heart.

They took him to St. Ann's hospital and tried to reach Neal's parents by cell phone.  The cell phones were turned down and they didn't get the messages, and this is the exact message as I have listened to it over and over--"Hi Ms. Koenig.  This is so-in-so from St. Ann's hospital.  Your son Collin was brought in by squad and is in the ER.  We are currently working on him.  Please call us back at------"  They worked on him for at least 3 hours.  Neal's folks were finally called on the home phone at 4:15 AM.  

We arrived at the hospital at 5:00 AM.  (my mom lives a mile away and came rushing over to watch the littles.--grateful for family!!)  When we entered the ICU room, we saw a motionless Collin, the hospital's Chaplin at the foot of the bed, and Neal's mom and dad in shock.  I'll save you the details, but it was one of the worst sites and feelings I've ever had.  Collin was on a breathing machine and was unresponsive.  We stayed with him until the next shift of nurses came and they asked us to wait in the waiting room until they could brief the next shift of nurses.  We waited in that waiting room for what seemed like forever.  After an hour and a half, we were permitted back in to see him.  

In the late morning-he opened his eyes to where we could see the white of the eyeball.  Little by little as the morning became afternoon, we could see his eye-pupil.  

In my church we believe in the power of blessings.  We believe that a man can be ordained to have the priesthood(which is the authority to act in the name of God) and that through the power of the priesthood, a person can be healed according to their faith.  Neal and my brother are both worthy holders of the priesthood and came to the hospital and gave Collin a blessing.

After the blessing, it was the first time I had a feeling of comfort and peace.  In the blessing, Collin was told he would start recovering in the next few hours and over the next several days would make a full recovery.  That he would be able to walk and talk again.  I know that the Lord answers prayers and keeps his promises, as Collin started improving by leaps and bounds.

Within several days, Collin was doing all the things that a "normal" individual does.  The nurses and doctors have told us repeatedly that this just doesn't happen.  That this outcome doesn't happen.  They said they have seen many cases like this and that he is very lucky to be alive.   

I KNOW that God answers prayers.  I know that he performs miracles everyday if we just take the time and look around.  NOTHING is coincidental--He knows what we need to go through and when we need to.  I certainly don't know everything, but I do know that He loves me, as He does you.  I usually don't get all "religious" on my blog or fbook, but I can not, NOT share the peace, love, and comfort that comes only through a loving Heavenly Father.  I would be so ungrateful and undeserving if I didn't share my thoughts.  I know that miracles happen, as I am currently witnessing and living this miracle.

Collin is still in St. Ann's.  He was moved from ICU a couple days ago and is in a "normal" room.  He still has a long way to go on the road to recovery, as he needs to change a life style.  I know with prayer and support all things are possible.  Again, thanks to you all--your thoughts, prayers, and love mean more than you will ever know.  Thank you and God bless!  


Breezi@ Not Your Average Fairytale said...

Man, You did witness a huge miracle. I love the priesthood! Aren't you glad that you have such worthy priesthood holders that at a moment's notice they are able and ready to receive that inspiration? Love it!
Our prayers are with your family!

Kristin said...

Wow that was a powerful story. I felt the spirit so strongly as I was reading it. I am so happy to hear that Collin is ok and is on the road to recovery. God BLESS him and your family!!!

Valarie said...

What an amazing story. I do believe in miracles and this is definitly a testiment to them. Aren't we all thankful that we have been blessed with the power of the priesthood in our lives, everyday??

Kelly said...

Thank you for sharing such a personal wonderful story. Our hearts and prayers are with you at this time- so grateful for Priesthood power- it is more important in our lives than I ever thought. We have missed you blogging!!

Autumn said...

Wow-that had to be scary! I'm glad everything's okay!

Amanda B. said...

Wow, Kelly! That is amazing. I am so glad he is recovering. You are absolutely right about miracles. How scary that had to be. I have a sister-in-law that struggles with the same problem. Thanks for sharing the story!

Summer said...

I saw your request on Facebook for prayers, and forgot to ask what was going on when I saw you at Friendship. I'm glad I found out. What a beautiful testimony-building event. I'm so glad he's doing okay. Thanks for sharing that, Kelly.

Home Management Group said...

You all are in our prayers!

Moms Are Contagious said...

I am so glad he is doing better!!! Miracles still do happen and what a testimony of miracles and the love of God that you and your family have witnessed!

Prayers and faith are with you guys!