Sunday, October 19, 2008

Sunday Naps

Ever since I was a wee tyke I have loved taking Sunday naps.  I don't always get them, but when I do, it's heaven.  So today we made it "family nap time"-which meant everyone was napping today.  Well-that's what we planned anyway.  After I got all warm in my covers, it started.  All the fussing, the getting out of bed, the "I'm not tired" in melt down mode--(of COURSE you're not tired.)  After some time, it was loud again.  This time it sounded like the boys were letting off cannon balls.  Neal gets up and the boys are jumping off the beds and getting all crazy together.  Neal was so tired, (he ran a half-marathon not stopping once this morning)(and yes I know what you're thinking--I already did the preaching to him!)  Neal exhausted tells the boys just to go downstairs.  They eat this up and say, "Can we watch TV?"  "Yes!"  "OH, can we play Wii?"  "YES!!  I don't care what you do, just go downstairs."  Well the boys did just that--they did what they wanted.  A little while later I came downstairs to find food out and a friend over.  Brandon comes in all happy and said, "Dad, told us we could do whatever we want, so Kaityln is over and we're playing Wii."  


Breezi@ Not Your Average Fairytale said...

Chip and I got a good little chuckle over that one! What a turkey!

Kelly said...

We could NOT live without Sunday naps!! My son, at age 8 still rests on Sundays, and if they bother us while we are napping, they are in a heap of trouble!!Sacred times!

Amanda B. said...

Oh to funny!!!!

I rely on Sunday afternoon naps- we do the "family nap time" too, which my boys hate, but too bad! :)

I love boo at the zoo! I am hoping to go this year!

Moms Are Contagious said...

That is HILARIOUS!!!! Someday they will treasure Sunday naps!