Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Trip to the ER

The typical day started.  I was in the shower, had my normal interruptions by the kids about one thing or another.  While I was bathing I thought about how I always tell Neal how I'm going to write a book called, "Interrupted Showers".  I can't tell you the last time I showered without someone barging in or yelling through the door, or crying their head off about something so important--usually involving a toy.  Well after one of those important interruptions I mentioned above, Carter came in again yelling, "Mom, I can touch the ceiling!"  I said, "Oh yeah, how are you doing that?"  He laughingly yells back, "Not telling!" and runs out slamming the door.  A couple minutes later-I had just stepped out of the shower and Carter barges in yelling "Brandon cut his finger and is bleeding!"  I'm thinking it's that typical "I need a band-aid even though I'm really not bleeding, but it's red, and it will feel oh so better with the band-aid."  I tell him I'll be right there.  I got a band-aid and headed down the hall.  That's when I heard Brandon sobbing coming up the stairs-blood dripping all over.  He had a deep cut and was bleeding everywhere.  I took one look at it and knew we'd be going to get stitches.  Brandon had decided to get out a pairing knife and when he took off the knife cover, it sliced him good.  Brandon was nearly inconsolable as he was afraid he was going to "lose his finger.  Or die".  It was really sad.  Neal came home and we were able to take Brandon to the ER.  He got 3 stitches on his thumb and was a trooper dooper.
So as we are rolling up our street coming home from the ER, my neighbor is backing out of her driveway and hits Neal's car.  I was joking and said,"she just hit your car"--as she is pulling back into her driveway.  She gets out and I see her in the mirror running to my side of the car and she says, "I am soooo sorry.  I just backed into Neal's car!"  We walked over where she hit it and it was nothing really.  In fact a couple months ago, someone else hit Neal's car in the exact same place, so all she did was define it and add some of her paint.  No worries!


Breezi@ Not Your Average Fairytale said...

AHHH.. I hate, HATE when things happen to the kids! Last year Maggie bit a huge hole all the way through her tongue. GROSS. Mags was fine, it was me panicking!
Well, I hope they wrapped Brandon's finger in awesome colored stuff. When I almost sliced my pinkie finger off last year I got a lovely bright pink colored gauze/ace bandage stuff.

Good luck with the healing. What a brave boy.

The Koenig Family said...

Yeah he got hooked up in the ER. They used white gauze and then made a ghost face. He thinks it's a cool finger play now. Except that Abby is really fond of it and has pulled on it twice--which results in crying and wailing and Abby just looking at him like, "what's his deal?" Poor guy.

Kelly said...

Are you a psysic? I was just on your blog, found through Emilee's and talking to Bonnie on the phone about your blog! You must read minds- I love your blog, and so glad you started one!! IT is so fun, oh, and I love Breezi's too- what a small world.
Play along the letter tag- your letter is: R
I will add you to my list and you can add me on yours- fun, fun!!

Moms Are Contagious said...

Hey Kelly! Sounds like Carter is a magician and Brandon is a surgeon!!! OUCH...hope he is feeling better now!

~*Heather*~ said...

Holy cow! When it rains it pours!

Kristin said...

I hope Brandon is ok~~~ How scary! Wow I guess you guys couldn't have anything else happen that day!!! Hope all is well.

Autumn said...

Oh geesh! What a pain. I like your book title-I'd love to read it! :) You've done so much on your blog the past few days-looks great.

Marianne said...

I am so happy to discover your blog! I was laughing so hard out loud about the whole shower thing because that too is so my life!!! I'm so glad I am not the only one. I am still curious how Carter actually touched the ceiling. Happy Blogging!