Thursday, October 9, 2008

Tag games

So I'm really not into the tag games...usually, but since I'm still a fresh chicken to the blog world, why not.  (thanks Lora:)  Here are the two tags I've got and be afraid, be very afraid, you could be chosen at the end...
Picture tag is played by going into the fourth folder of your pictures and pull out the fourth picture and then tell about it.  This picture is of Abby in the hospital.  She was born at Mt. Carmel East and I couldn't get enough of her.  I kept her in my room most of the time.  I love babies---hey now, don't get any ideas--I'm not....

One word answer tag is played by answering the below questions with one word answers only.  Then you're supposed to pass it on to 7 people, but I don't know if I know 7 people up to doing it....just kidding.

Here are the questions:

1. Where is your cell phone? charger

2. Where is your significant other? bed

3. Your hair color? greasy

4. Your mother? sweet

5. Your father? adorable

6. Your favorite thing? Music

7. Your dream last night? sleep?

8. Your dream/goal? heaven

9. The room you're in? office

10. Your hobby? decorating

11. Your fear? murder

12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? country

13. Where were you last night? Home

14. What you're not? Little

15. One of your wish-list items? piano

16. Where you grew up? OH-IO

17. The last thing you did? TV

18. What are you wearing? pajamas

19. Your TV? off

20. Your pet? none

21. Your computer? mac

22. Your mood? tired

23. Missing someone? yes

24. Your car? van

25. Something you're not wearing? pants

26. Favorite store? TJ Maxx

27. Your summer? FUN

28. Love someone? totally

29. Your favorite color? Red

30. When is the last time you laughed? tonight

31. Last time you cried? Today

Now my victims are Amy P., Kirstin L., Kelly O, Autumn R, Emilee S, Britney W., and Breezi K.


Autumn said...

This was so fun. I'm sure I'll do it!

Kelly said...

Of course I'll play- fun tag games keep it real!