Sunday, October 12, 2008

Update from read NOW post

As some of you might have read, Neal's parents neighbor was shot the other day.  We just got home from Neal's folk's house and here's the scoop.  
When the man came through the garage, he saw the 2 girls and the mom in the house.  He was wearing gloves, carrying a bag, and clip board with him.  He told them, "This is going to take long."  To save details, here's how it went down.  The mom (Beth) told the girls to run and then Beth started fighting with the man.  The man was 6.5", 320 lbs-big dude.  Beth is a small women, but has the courage of a lion.  She attacked him and they wrestled around-he shot her twice, once in the leg and on her side-missing major organs, thankfully.  He went after the girls who had locked themselves in the bathroom-they have one of those bathrooms that the shower and sink are in one area, and then the toilet is in a little closet like--they went in the toilet room and climbed out the window.  The man shot through the bathroom door shooting a bullet through the spa tub.  He shot a total of 7 rounds-only hitting Beth two times.  Get this though, Beth somehow got the gun turned around to his chest and tried to shoot him, but the gun jammed.  Can you imagine?  She was able to get out of the house and a neighbor ran into the house, and that's when the man escaped through the garage.  The neighbor got the license plate and a good look at the man, and so did another neighbor.  
On Thursday evening the police had been working on the investigation and ran his plates.  They used a picture line up with several neighbors and Beth.  They were all able to identify him right away.  Then they asked the husband to look at some photos.  They asked him if he knew any of the men.  He pointed to the one and said that the man had previously worked for him.  So clearly this wasn't random.  The man was going to kidnap the wife and daughters and hold them hostage for money from the company--The man had all of his plans written down and had the materials with him when he broke into the house.  The police used the plates and drivers license to locate the man.  The man was from Indiana-and was there.  The police located his cell number and traced it to where he was using it.  They actually called the man and told him that they were charging him with attempted kidnapping and murder.  The man then crashed his car and killed himself.  
The family is all home and seems to be doing well.  Last night they had a block get together and Beth was there and had support from everyone.  Her daughters, 13 and 15, were out playing together, too.  I saw her husband tonight and he seemed to be doing well.  I'm so grateful this guy is done and doesn't have to be judged here...he'll get his "piece".  Thankfully, Beth, Tad, and the girls have their "peace", too.  


Jennifer said...

Hey Kelly! It's Jennifer Ekins from girls camp! I found your blog through a friends and thought I would say hi. Randy got in to medical school in Arizona so, needless to say, I won't be at camp next year. What a crazy story but at least everything ended up okay! That will be a fun story for camp though!

The Koenig Family said...

Hey girl! I was just thinking about you! Congrats on Randy getting into med school in AZ. You'll love it there! How's Kate? I don't know if I'll be at girls camp this year...I'm getting released next Sunday. I'm sure it's ok to say, since they did release me after church today. I'm now a ward missionary with my husband. Today they called 18 ward missionaries! It was really cool.

Kelly said...

WOW! I am still in shock- that is so shocking...horrible, horrible incident- thankfully had a good outcome- how is the mom doing with her wounds? I am astounded that she fought with such fiercness- a mom's adrenaline rush to save her family= amazing. I am so in fear of things like that ever happening- thanks for sharing their story- I feel better that it is over, but sad that they had to experience such evil.

Kelly said...

PS= congrats on your new calling!!!

April said...

holy cow! what a story Kelly! that is scary!

Lora said...

What a huge relief!!! Thanks for the update. Matt had heard that story on the radio and immeadiatly called me to make sure all our doors were locked and to not open them up for anyone who rings the door. there has been too many breakins lately. Our neighbor just had their house broke into and had a lot of valuables stolen. Scary!!

Lindsey said...

Hi Kelly! This is Lindsey Morello. I just started a blog this summer too, and I found yours through Autumn's. Anyway, it is so good to hear your in-laws are safe and that you guys are having a nice Fall. Check us out when you have a chance:

Suzanne said...

Thanks for the update. I'm relieved to hear it wasn't just a random act of violence but I feel sorry for that family. Sounds like they are strong and will get through it.

Kristin said...

WOW!!!! I am so happy to hear that your in-laws neighbors are all ok. What a strange story. Who would of known? Hope all is well. Congrats on your new callings!!!!

Autumn said...

Good grief that is scary!!! My gosh I'm glad at least they found out who it was. I can't believe the police told him that over the phone, that seems so nuts! So the wife didn't recognize him I guess? I'm SO glad they're okay!

Amanda B. said...

Holy Crap!!!! Apparently I have been to busy to watch the news. How surreal- sounds like the plot to a crime show. Wow. I am so glad the lady is okay!!! My gosh!!!

The Koenig Family said...

Hey all! I should have added that Beth was able to identify him in a line up too. It was on channel 10 news last night at 6.

Jami said...

Kelly I am so glad to hear that it was not just a random guy. I have been running lately and I go kind of far from my house, but I have been scared ever since I heard the story on you blog. Now I feel a lot better, thanks. By the way I love the Brady Bunch story 6 kids is a lot you are so brave..

Valarie said...

I am so glad they figured it all out and caught him. I kept getting goosebumps reading the story. What is wrong with people these days?!?!